Judge convicts man of indecency after child pornography was found during computer repair

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Judge convicts man of indecency after child pornography was found during computer repair

The court in Den Bosch has sentenced a 76-year-old man to a prison sentence of 4 years and a TBS for indecency with a disabled girl and possession of child pornography. It will also be examined whether he should still be placed under supervision afterwards.

Image: the East Brabant court in Den Bosch

Naked girls

The man came into the picture when he took his computer to a computer store for repairs in May 2023. During the repairs, employees found a large number of files with naked girls. The police then arrested the man in his home. This is evident from the ruling of the East Brabant court on Wednesday.

He immediately admitted that he finds young girls interesting, and that before the police arrived he was still busy downloading images onto his new computer. He also surrounded himself with the photos in his home. For example, the screensaver of his computer showed an image of two girls. There were plasticized images of girls in his bedroom.

During further research, a total of more than 5 million images emerged. More than 630,000 images involved child pornography.


The police also found a document on the man’s computer in which he describes in detail how he met a then 12-year-old girl in 1996 at his work at a healthcare institution in Rosmalen. He writes how he gained the trust of the severely mentally disabled victim and abused her several times between March 1998 and November 2000.


When determining the sentence, the court takes into account that the man committed fornication with a young and vulnerable victim for years. The court in its ruling: ‘He sexually penetrated her, while she was a minor and severely disabled and therefore unable to determine or express her will. He cleverly won her trust, only to abuse her to satisfy his own perverse sexual needs.’

Furthermore, the man downloaded an extremely large amount of child pornography over a long period of time. ‘Such abuse of often very young children can cause psychological, emotional and physical damage. By his actions the man contributed to these highly reprehensible practices. The court holds this heavily against him.’


According to a psychologist and a psychiatrist, the man has a sexual and a schizoid personality disorder. The court therefore considers him to be less accountable. To reduce the chance of recurrence, he must be treated intensively, via ‘tbs with conditions’. This means that he must cooperate with the supervision of the probation service, that he must be admitted to a care institution and must cooperate in outpatient treatment. In addition, he is not allowed to have contact with minors and must live in assisted living. If he does not comply with these conditions, he can be admitted to a TBS clinic.


The court also imposes a so-called behavioral and freedom-restricting measure. This means that the man can also be placed under supervision and further treatment after the detention and treatment process. The conviction on Tuesday was in accordance with the prosecutor’s request.

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