‘It is not likely that Khalid Kasem bribed DJI official’

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‘It is not likely that Khalid Kasem bribed DJI official’

It is not likely that lawyer Khalid Kasem bribed a selection officer of the Judicial Institutions Service (DJI). “The investigation has not produced any evidence to support the alleged bribery.”


The Judicial Institutions Agency announced this on Thursday afternoon. DJI’s Integrity Office has determined after an analysis of procedures and on the basis of interviews that it is ‘not likely that there has been an integrity violation’ by lawyer Khalid Kasem.

The director of DJI states that the investigation by the Integrity Bureau ‘has not yielded any indications or facts for the alleged bribery.’


In a message, DJI states that a selection officer ‘is only one of the many links in the chain that could bring about the (unlawful) release of a detainee or could ensure that a detainee is unlawfully granted certain freedoms.’

No determining role

After the advice or decision of a selection officer, the relevant penitentiary institution (PI) must still process the advice or decision, DJI explains in its press release. ‘Selection officials do not have a determining role in the release. This is based on advice from the PI. A deviating decision by a selection officer is immediately noticed by the PI. The process also has a number of guarantees, such as multidisciplinary consultation, multiple eyes principle, approval and recording in systems.’

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