Investigation into drug trafficking in Doetinchem and the surrounding area, 4 suspects arrested, drugs and weapons seized

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Investigation into drug trafficking in Doetinchem and the surrounding area, 4 suspects arrested, drugs and weapons seized

Doetinchem – In a criminal investigation into the trade of soft and hard drugs in Doetinchem and the surrounding area, the police have arrested four suspects. These are three men from Doetinchem aged 23, 24 and 27 and a 26-year-old Doesburger. These men are suspected of having dealt soft and hard drugs in an organized context.

Arrests in flagrante delicto
After several signals of drug trafficking were received by the police, the criminal investigation department of the North and East Gelderland district started an investigation. This resulted in the red-handed arrests of the 24- and 27-year-old men from Doetinchem during a planned action last month. They were arrested in Wehl while they were dealing drugs at the time. Dozens of zip-lock bags and wrappers containing suspected hard and soft drugs and several strips of medicine were found in the car in which the two were driving. There were also several mobile phones in the car. These have been seized for further investigation. On the same day, the 26-year-old man from Doesburg was arrested in his home. His phone was also seized for further investigation. A day later, 23-year-old Doetinchemmer was arrested.

The police suspect that the two Doetinchem residents who were arrested during the action had the largest share in the drug trade. They are suspected of taking charge. The other two arrested suspects most likely delivered the drugs to the buyers.

Stash location search
During the investigation, investigators gained insight into a location where the suspects probably kept their stock. This is a so-called stash location. Shortly after the arrest, the police conducted a search at this location, namely in a garage in Wehl. Drugs were again found in this; a number of bottles probably containing GHB, ziplock bags and containers with a white substance and several dozen pills. These drugs have all been seized and are being tested and weighed. Therefore, nothing can be said about exact quantities at this time.

In addition to the drugs, detectives also found three firearm-like objects and ammunition in the garage. Two of these turned out to be real firearms and the other was a gas alarm pistol. In addition, a large shopping bag full of illegal fireworks was found in the garage.

The two main suspects are currently still in custody; they have been remanded in custody by the examining magistrate for 90 days. The other two men are now free again. The police are continuing the investigation.


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