In memoriam: Coby Wijnen

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In memoriam: Coby Wijnen

After a long illness, dietitian Coby Wijnen (1952) passed away on January 25. Coby, who herself had a muscular disease, strived for e throughout her careerand better quality of care for people with a muscular disease.

Nutritional care for muscular diseases

Coby Wines worked as a dietitian for more than 25 yearsMuscular diseases Netherlandsin Baarn. Her work has greatly improved the care and quality of life of people with muscular diseases. Coby was the founder of dietetics for muscle diseases and founded the network Dietitians for Muscular Diseases (DvS) and the network Rehabilitation Dietitians (Revanet) op. Partly thanks to her, the dietitian is now a full member of the treatment team for people with a muscle disease.

Pioneering work

Coby has inspired many people with her knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm. She did this by promoting and encouraging effective scientific research and ensuring good education and information to (and by) healthcare providers. Coby contributed to various national dietary treatment guidelines, such as the guideline for: Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Cerebral palsy and IF. She was also involved in several posts–HBO courses on muscle diseases.

Merits in healthcare

Because of her services in healthcare, Coby has held the honorable title of Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau since 2008. Due to her intensive contribution to dietetics, Coby was appointed Member of Merit of the Dutch Association of Dietitians in 2016.

Source: Dietitians Network for Muscular Diseases

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