Imca Marina about the friendship with Ria Valk

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Imca Marina about the friendship with Ria Valk

Imca Marina calls it unique that she has a friendly relationship with many colleagues, such as Ria Valk, Ronnie Tober and Willeke Alberti. The singer explains about Party: “We all hang together very closely and don’t get in each other’s way at all. I have known Ria Valk since her father had a shoe store on the Middenweg in Amsterdam. I lived behind it, on the Tugelaweg, with Aunt Jannie and Uncle Anton. I bought my shoes from Ria’s father and she worked there in the shop. One day I saw that she had a guitar around her neck and we started talking. At the time I had just gotten a contract at The Blue Note, the legendary nightclub in Amsterdam, where everyone cheated, haha.”

Ria Valk Adj (14)
Ria Valk

Photos: AJDJ

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