Illegal rave party in Best building ended

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Illegal rave party in Best building ended

Best – The police ended an illegal rave party in a former sports complex on the Maas in Best on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Several reports of noise pollution were the basis for this. There would be just over a thousand people in the building. During the termination, police officers were pelted several times with glassware and other objects. Three police officers were injured and one person was arrested.

Deploy multiple units
Several units from the area, including four dog handlers, were deployed to maintain public order and ensure a safe end to the illegal party. At the location we found an illegal rave party in three of the four rooms. When we entered the building, a number of people created a grim atmosphere and turned against the police. Police officers and a dog handler, among others, were attacked by a visitor with a fire extinguisher. One service dog was used for this.

Party ending
The illegal party ended completely around 4:00 am. Police officers asked partygoers in three different rooms to leave. During the deployment, several people turned against the police. Colleagues were verbally abused and pelted with various objects, including glassware.

Overflow partygoers
After our arrival, most people quietly left the party and even after our efforts, the last people who turned against us left. During the walk-out, a conscious decision was made to distance ourselves and act in a de-escalating manner.

The person for whom the service dog was deployed has been arrested. Three police colleagues were injured when the party ended.

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