Hazardous substances in aphrodisiac honey products

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Hazardous substances in aphrodisiac honey products

The honey products from 10 Dutch sellers probably contain illegal, libido-enhancing substances. These are substances that are also found in erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra. Use of honey can lead to life-threatening situations, warns Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Aphrodisiac honey

The NVWA advises everyone against purchasing honey products that are sold online as a means for a better sex life. There is a chance that illegal substances have been added to this honey that are also found in erection health products such as Viagra to sit. These substances can cause serious side effects and do not belong in foodreports the NVWA. The NVWA investigated 21 honey products from 9 Dutch providers. Initial indicative tests confirm that libido-enhancing agents were found in 20 of the 21 honey products tested. Another trader of honey products is currently under criminal investigation. The NVWA started the investigations following several reports from consumers, customs and neighboring countries.

Serious side effects

Research in the laboratory of Wageningen Food Safety Research must provide a definitive answer to the substances. The indications are strong that it concerns the substances sildenafil, tadalafil and flibanserin. These are active ingredients in medicines for the treatment of, among other things, erection problems. DThese substances can cause serious side effects, such as headaches, blurred vision and heart problems. For example, the added substance sildenafil is known to seriously lower blood pressure in combination with heart medicationwhich can lead to life-threatening situations.

Advice for erection problems

According to the NVWA, the bags of libido-enhancing honey are only sold online. This honey is therefore not on the shelf at the drugstore or supermarket. The NVWA advises people with erection problems not to experiment with products themselves, but to contact their GP. He can determine what a responsible treatment is.

Source: NVWA

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