Hardliners MC banned immediately

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Hardliners MC banned immediately

The court in Haarlem banned Hardliners MC on Friday. The court ruled that the motorcycle club has a culture ‘in which the commission of criminal offenses is encouraged, facilitated and ordered’.

Underlying departments

The Hardliners had 22 chapters in the Netherlands. Those and other underlying departments are also immediately prohibited. Previously, motorcycle clubs such as Satudarah, Hells Angels and No Surrender received such a ban from the judge. The Public Prosecution Service had requested a ban last year.

Justice finds that members of the club are involved in drug trafficking, attacks with heavy explosives, assaults and threats.

The R.

Lysander de R. is considered the driving force of the MC. He is a former leader of the Hells Angels in Haarlem and founded the Hardliners in 2019. De R. received a nine-year prison sentence for violent crimes and is suspected of other crimes that he allegedly arranged from prison.

Several Hells Angels from Haarlem switched to the Hardliners in 2019. Shortly before its founding, the Hells Angels were banned.

See the judgment.

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