Hard drugs and cash seized during international action against drug trafficking in border region

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Hard drugs and cash seized during international action against drug trafficking in border region

Rotterdam, Hazeldonk – On Thursday February 1 and Tuesday January 30, the National Expertise and Operations Unit of the police, together with the Rotterdam Unit, Zeeland-West Brabant Unit, the Public Prosecution Service and the Federal Police of Belgium and France, organized two international actions against drug transports. During these actions, which take place under the name Etoile, the Benelux and France work together to combat drug transports in the border regions. Police officers carried out targeted checks on the A16 motorway both evenings, taking drivers off the road and checking them.


A total of 28 vehicles were checked in Rotterdam, with all drivers subjected to a breath and drug test. Four people have been arrested for possession of narcotics. One of the drivers was found to have two kilos of suspected hard drugs in a hidden room, the other had five kilos of heroin and another driver had 100 grams of hashish with him. A driver has been arrested for showing a false driver’s license.

At the border at Hazeldonk, 28 vehicles and 53 people were also checked for alcohol and drugs. 121 grams of cannabis, 1 kilo of heroin and 60,000 euros in cash were seized there. A driver has been arrested with a false driver’s license.

Etoile actions

‘We have been carrying out these Etoile actions for quite some time now and on a regular basis,’ says Jan, coordinator of the Etoile action of the National Expertise and Operations Unit, about the action: ‘It is disappointing to see that in Rotterdam, of the 28 directors thirteen have been arrested for driving under the influence of narcotics.’

Hazeldonk partnership

The Etoile actions arise from the Hazeldonk partnership. In this context, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are working together to combat international drug transports and the underlying distribution networks. They do this by carrying out targeted interventions on the international main road network and in international trains.

Information source: Politie.nl

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