Happy Ending on Netflix: ‘Well, that was my 132nd faked orgasm… great!’

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Happy Ending on Netflix: ‘Well, that was my 132nd faked orgasm… great!’

Do you tell people around you if you are having difficulty or not coming at all during sex? Do you even tell your partner what you like and don’t like? That, in a nutshell, is the purport of the Dutch ‘dramatic romcom’ Happy Ending with Gaite Jansen and Martijn Lakemeier.

Happy Ending can be seen worldwide on streaming service Netflix from today. The young director Joosje Duk submitted the script of the film in 2021 – with success – for the Netflix New Voices competition. All the more reason for Metro to watch Happy Ending for the TV section Blik op de Buis, in which new and striking programs from regular broadcasters and streaming services are discussed.

Happy Ending, a wonderful movie

Seriously when it comes to the taboo around not being able to have an orgasm, Happy Ending certainly is. But we can also speak of a ‘wonderful film’ in a completely different way.

Netflix has chosen a special couple when it comes to the protagonists of Happy Ending. Special because of their already proven acting talent, but also because they were ‘a set on the set’ twice before.

Dutch Hope and Lover or Loser

Gaite Jansen previously starred in the British series Peaky Blinders. As a teenager, Martijn Lakemeier already won a golden calf for his part in War Winter. Next year we will see him as the young Willem-Alexander in the Videoland series Máxima.

Together they formed a couple in love in both Hollandse Hoop – when Metro spoke to them together – and also in Lover or Loser.

Happy Ending Orgasm Martijn Lakemeier Gaite Jansen
Martijn Lakemeier and Gaite Jansen as Mink and Luna. Photo: Jurre Rompa

Story Happy Ending

In Happy Ending, Gaite Jansen and Martijn Lakemeier are together again, as Luna and Mink. They are a happy couple celebrating their one year anniversary. Little does Mink know that Luna has been faking her orgasms since the beginning of their relationship. His girlfriend has kept this secret for so long now that she no longer dares to bring it up with him. When her best friends urge Luna to try new things in the bedroom with Mink, Luna proposes an exciting idea to him: a threesome. The following evening with the adventurous Eve (Joy Delima, who was on a roll in Dirty Lines and Disaster Flight) turns Luna’s life upside down. And that of Mink too.

Serious and a big smile

As stated: Happy Ending has a serious undertone. The taboo around talking about sex and especially not being able to have an orgasm is an important fact. If you look at some studies, more than half of women seem to fake or have ever faked an orgasm.

At the same time, the film brings a smile to your face here and there. Just take the opening scene, about which we won’t say anything else here, of course.

Happy Ending Netflix Orgasm Joy Delima
Joy Delima as climate activist Eve. Photo: Jurre Rompa

The smile has been arranged by director and script writer Joosje Duk. She has very nice texts rolling out of her pen and especially acting cannon Gaite Jansen knows what to do with it in a sometimes nice and clumsy way. “So that was my 132nd faked orgasm… great!” And while flirting: “What a beautiful ear you have.” Can you hear Jansen say it yet?

Everyone fine in Happy Ending

Not that only this actress in Happy Ending is good. Martijn Lakemeier: fine. Joy Delima as the trio girl who works in everyday life for a ‘mopping with the tap open’ environmental organization: excellent (when isn’t she?). Luna’s girlfriends, played by Sinem Kavus and Claire Bender, are also completely in place. They must have felt that themselves with their roles – not great, but wonderful.

Happy Ending Netflix Claire Bender Sinem Kavus
Gaite Jansen with Claire Bender on the left and Sinem Kavus on the right. Photo: Jurre Rompa

Gold band

For Happy Ending, ‘a bucketful’ of good music has also been chosen. This is how it sounds during the all-changing trio night The longest night of our lives by Goldband. A beautiful song anyway, but because of such choices, a lot in this film falls into the right place.

Maybe Happy Ending is more for a somewhat younger audience than for ‘a bit older’. Abroad (because worldwide on Netflix) there will be blinking eyes about such a subject as the orgasm from the Netherlands. But even there they will see that you can make a very nice film with a serious subject.

Number of cans from 5: 4

Happy Ending is now on Netflix.

Can Tube illustration
Illustration: Subway
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