Glennis Grace’s financial loss

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Glennis Grace’s financial loss

It has now been two years since Glennis Grace and her gang went to a Jumbo branch in Amsterdam’s Jordaan to ‘get a story’. The judge sentenced the singer to a significant community service order, which she has now completed. The general public boycotted Glennis from that moment on and as has now become clear, this had a significant financial impact!

Party took a look at the books, because now that its figures for the end of 2022 have been filed, it becomes clear what the financial consequences of the Jumbo riot are. Glennis is currently the owner of two companies: Glennis Grace Holding BV and G Note BV. The first company was founded in 2013 and functions as a Holding Company. While the equity was still 331,285 euros in 2021, this fell to 286,093 euros in 2022; or a decrease of 45,192 euros. The second company was founded in 2013 with the activity ‘practice of performing artist’. Shareholders’ equity in 2021 amounted to 946,745 euros and fell to 900,935 euros in 2022; or a decrease of 45,810 euros. All in all, Glennis has suffered financial damage of 91,002 euros as a result of all this, which is not bad. However, with a total net worth of just under 1.2 million euros, she remains just a millionaire.

Photo: AJDJ

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