​From self-employed to self-employed: consider the mandatory RI&E!

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​From self-employed to self-employed: consider the mandatory RI&E!

At the end of 2023, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, more than 1.5 million people were self-employed. The vast majority of these offer products or services as a self-employed person without employees. But are you no longer able to handle all the work as a ‘single worker’ and are you going to take the step of expanding your company with employees (self-employed with employees)? Then there are a lot of new things that you suddenly have to deal with. One of these is the mandatory RI&E for companies with at least one FTE of employees.

Relatively strong position of employees

In the Netherlands, possibly thanks to the long history of trade unions, employees have a relatively strong position in the employment relationship with their employer. Immediately dismiss someone without a valid reason, as is possible in the United States, for example? That is (fortunately) not possible here in the Netherlands. In our country, an employer is obliged to follow a certain procedure in that case, which may even end in court.

Employer obliged to ensure a safe working environment

Another obligation that employers have towards employees is to ensure a safe working environment. The mandatory Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E) plays an important role in this. This research will provide you with insight into the safety and health risks that employees face. Special attention is paid to this to provide additional protection to vulnerable groups such as young people and pregnant women.

In addition to insight into the risks that employees run, an RI&E also provides guidance for risk-mitigating measures. In an action plan you record what the options are and how you have implemented them. Would you like help with carrying out and drawing up an RI&E? Look here for more information.

Advantages of drawing up an RI&E

In companies where one or more employees work forty hours or more every week, an up-to-date RI&E must be available. Are you certified by the Dutch Labor Inspectorate (NLA) inspected and there is no recent document? Or is that the case if an accident at work has occurred? Then you can get a fine for that.

Besides being mandatory, it also has several advantages. An RI&E contributes to a reduction in the number of occupational accidents and absenteeism. As an entrepreneur you have to worry less about the risks and their financial consequences. And employees are also more positive and productive. Important in the current time with a shortage of employees and a lot of pressure on margins due to rising prices!

Photo by nappy.

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