Frits Barend went to weed in Israel

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Frits Barend went to weed in Israel

Frits Barend recently traveled to Israel to help as a volunteer. He had heard that many workers had disappeared from the fields and that they were short of hands. Frits tells in the Leeuwarder Courant: “I registered as a volunteer at a foundation. I flew to Israel and ended up in a group of Dutch Christians-for-Israel, all much younger. I was one of the few Jews. Shared a bedroom with another volunteer. Get up at 6 o’clock in the morning and start pulling weeds out of the ground in an onion field at 7 o’clock. It is still very cold in the Negev desert. Wear a thick sweater and gloves, a hat.”

Frits tells how he was weeding among the tomatoes, beans and flowers and how tired he was in the afternoon. He helped for 10 days.

Photo: AJDJ

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