Fleeing suspect drives into officers

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Fleeing suspect drives into officers

The Hague – Two men were arrested on Wednesday afternoon, April 3, after a chase on Beresteinlaan. On the way, they drove their car into officers and rammed a police car.

The police saw the driver of a passenger car driving around 4:15 p.m. The man was stopped, after which two officers walked towards him. The driver and his co-driver then fled and drove into the two officers. The officers were not hit, but their police car was rammed by the suspects.

After a chase via Beresteinlaan, Gaardes, Vrederustlaan and the suspects were arrested at Middenstede. These are two men aged 28 and 33 from The Hague.

Seen something?

The police would like to get in touch with witnesses. During the chase along Beresteinlaan and Middenstede, the suspects drove over the cycle path and bystanders had to jump away. The police would particularly like to get in touch with these people. People who have information that may be important in this case in another way, for example in the form of camera images, can also report using the options below.

Violence against police officers (GTPA)

The police find aggression and violence against its employees or other care providers unacceptable. Police officers have a responsible role in society and must be able to do their work without hindrance. With mutual respect. Aggression or violence, in any form, against employees will not be tolerated. The police and the judiciary use the same approach here: reports are always recorded, perpetrators are brought to justice by the Public Prosecution Service as a priority, and a three times higher sentence is demanded against the perpetrators.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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