Fleeing bombers collide with Audi on crossing wildlife

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Fleeing bombers collide with Audi on crossing wildlife

The German police arrested four Dutch men in the night from Sunday to Monday after an explosion. It concerns a 22-year-old Amsterdam resident and three men from Utrecht, aged 26 and 22. At the request of the German police, raids were carried out at six locations in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Bilthoven.


Items that may be related to the commission of explosive robberies were found at one address, according to the police. That evidence will be transferred to the Bavarian police investigation department.

The burglary took place at a bank in Konradsreuth, Germany, around 4:09 am. The ATM was opened using explosives and the perpetrators took a quantity of money.

Crossing wildlife

They fled in a dark Audi, a very fast RS6. During the flight, the Audi collided with crossing wildlife near Bad Lobenstein. The car crashed and the occupants fled on foot. The German police launched a nationwide search. In Bavaria and Thuringia, a warning was issued about suspicious persons and it was advised not to take hitchhikers.

The four were arrested soon afterwards. Some of the captured money, which had been smeared with paint by a security system, was found with them.

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