​Fisker is in dire straits: it halts production of electric cars

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​Fisker is in dire straits: it halts production of electric cars

Fisker car company is in trouble. The brand’s electric cars will not be made for 6 weeks, the money would have run out. A rather uncomfortable conversation also recently surfaced about a review by famous tech reviewer Marques Brownlee, which also does not do the company any good. This is what’s going on.


Fisker is known for Ocean, an SUV that unfortunately had a very difficult start. The car was criticized by car reviewers, especially in terms of noise, lack of smoothness in driving, software problems and lack of good storage solutions. And yes, if one of the most famous YouTubers in the world calls your car the worst car he ever reviewed, that obviously doesn’t help. And the brake problems and bonnets that suddenly pop open are also not very popular.

Fisker is not having an easy time and is now having to halt the production of its cars for 6 weeks. It itself states: “Fisker will pause production for six weeks starting March 18, 2024. This will allow us to monitor inventory and look at financing initiatives. It has probably managed to secure as much as $150 million from investors, but it must meet ‘certain conditions’ to do so.

EVs in trouble

The fact that these cars are not doing very well is not just due to the brand itself. In the United States, but also in Europe, sales of electric vehicles are lagging behind. Although the EU’s wish is that fuel cars should no longer be sold from 2030, Mercedes-Benz, for example, has recently indicated that it will not achieve that. People will clearly continue to opt for petrol cars for a while, even though that will probably soon be an extinct option.

Fisker is said to be in talks with a major automaker to invest and that would likely be Nissan. However, the final solution still seems very far away. Fisker is still very small-scale: in 2023 it sold 4,900 cars and in 2024 that number had been 1,300 so far. The stock would still consist of 4,700 cars. Although 273 million in sales were raked in in 2023: the debt is more than 1 billion dollars, so that is difficult to straighten out. Especially if you also shut down your production. Exciting times for the car brand, but also for the thousands of people who already have an Ocean in their driveway. After all, if Fisker goes under, the question remains what the support and updates of their cars will be like.

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