Fines handed out during the inspection of the Western Port Area

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Fines handed out during the inspection of the Western Port Area

Amsterdam – To combat criminal interference in the transport industry, the national Transport Facilitated Organized Crime (TFOC) program organized a control action in the Western Port Area of ​​Amsterdam on April 9. This is a logistics hub where goods from all over the world come in and out every day. The police, the Safe Entrepreneurship Platform, Customs and the Tax Authorities participated in the day of action.


The police issued thirty fines, including for driving without a driver’s license and without a transport permit. Also three fines for overcharging. Six drivers were arrested after a positive drug test. The tax authorities seized five vehicles. A total of approximately EUR 37,000 in outstanding claims has been collected. One driver had 6,000 euros in cash, of which 4,000 euros was hidden under the floor mat. Since the person still appeared to have a debt to the Tax Authorities, this could be debited immediately. Further research will follow.

Also prevention against criminal interference

During the inspection, a preventive conversation was held with 27 drivers, together with Platform Veilig Ondernemen. In order to increase the resilience of these groups. An important spearhead in the approach is to strengthen drivers, entrepreneurs and other vulnerable players in the industry against criminal interference.

Combat and prevent

The Netherlands is a transport hub for the entire world. For legal, but also for illegal goods, such as drugs and weapons. Under the banner of the Transport Facilitated Organized Crime (TFOC) programme, we work as one government to combat and prevent organized crime in the transport sector together with the transport sector.

Suspicious situations?

Do you recognize suspicious situations in transport? Report this to your local police officer (via, municipality or via Report Crime Anonymous on 0800-7000. Always call 112 in an emergency.

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