Fines during traffic and transport checks in the port area

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Fines during traffic and transport checks in the port area

Moerdijk – During a major integrated traffic and transport check in the port area, 54 vehicles were extensively checked on Tuesday morning, April 2. The inspection was a collaboration between the Seaport Police Zeeland – West Brabant, the Roosendaal police team, Customs, the Royal Military Police and the Road Traffic Service (RDW).

Motorcyclists from the police and the Royal Military Police took the vehicles to the checkpoint along the Southern Randweg. All vehicles have been checked there. Officers administered an alcohol and drug test to each driver. Violations and abuses have been found in various vehicles.

One of the drivers checked turned out to be driving under the influence of narcotics. This driver was also not in possession of a valid driver’s license. A doctor took blood. This suspect will receive a report for all facts. The police also issued a total of 8 fines for, among other things, driving without a driver’s license, protruding/sharp parts on a vehicle, slippery tires, non-functioning lights on a trailer and having a windshield that is too dark (32% translucent instead of the mandatory 75%).

Customs officials screened 20 combinations with a mobile scan. No details emerged from this. However, 14 cartons of Polish cigarettes were found in a Polish vehicle. Customs has seized the cigarettes. This driver will receive a report for this.

In addition to tackling violations and abuses, the audit was also aimed at collecting information about undermining crime. As a government, we work intensively together to tackle undermining.

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