Explosions and shootings in The Hague, Utrecht and Boxtel

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Explosions and shootings in The Hague, Utrecht and Boxtel

A 13-year-old and a 14-year-old boy are in custody in The Hague because the police believe they planted a fireworks explosive at a store on the Hogewal. That package was found by the police just after 3:30 am. A passerby had reported a suspicious package in the center, around the corner from Noordeinde Palace.


The package did not explode and was detonated at a different location by the EOD. Later that night, police arrested the two children. They are still being held for questioning. One of the two boys is from Zoetermeer, the place of residence of the other is unknown.

In The Hague, a house on Javastraat was damaged by an explosion on Saturday morning. Police say no one was injured. The explosion took place around 1:15 am. Nothing has been announced about a perpetrator.

The Javastraat is located in an expensive neighborhood not far from the center of The Hague.


In the night from Friday to Saturday, a house was shot at in Boxtel, on Polenstraat. According to the police, the residents were sleeping inside. No one was injured, but a window was damaged. The police then arrested three men in a car elsewhere in Boxtel. They are being held for further investigation because they are suspected of the shooting.

The police received a report around 3 a.m. that shots had probably been fired at the house. Shortly before, several people were said to have been annoying at the door.

Based on tips, police officers immediately stopped a car with three men in the Prins Hendrikstraat in Boxtel. In view of the report of possible firearm use, they were led out of the car one by one using a so-called talking-out procedure and arrested. The three come from Boxtel. There was a firearm in the car.


In the night from Friday to Saturday, an explosion took place in Utrecht at a business premises on the Proostwetering, on an industrial estate in Leidsche Rijn.

The blow was reported around 1:30 am. The explosion severely damaged the glass facade of the building. There was no one in the building.

The police are investigating. Nothing has been announced about the perpetrator or perpetrators.

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