Explosion at home

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Explosion at home

Tilburg – There was an explosion at a house on Grubbenvorststraat last night. No one was injured.

On Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 3:50 a.m., a report is received at the operations center that there has been an explosion. Surveillance units rush to the street. The report turns out to be correct, there is damage to the house. People were present in the house at the time, including several children. There is no trace of the perpetrator(s).

Looking for witnesses and images

The police are starting an investigation and of course want to speak to witnesses and obtain camera images of the suspects. Have you seen something, do you know something or do you live in the area and do you have camera images, please let us know:
– via the banners below this message
– via the police app or the reporting form at Politie.nl/aangifte-of-melding-doen
– via 0900-8844 or WhatsApp (0612207006)
– anonymously via 0800-7000 or the reporting form from M
– anonymously via 0900-8844, do not say your name and immediately ask for TCI (Criminal Intelligence Team)

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Information source: Politie.nl

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