Explosion and home invasion in Team West tonight

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Explosion and home invasion in Team West tonight

The Hague – In Team West we call witnesses about an explosion on Buitenom and a home robbery on Hanenburglaan. Both in The Hague. In addition, Team West also pays attention to the theft of a motorcycle.

Motorcycle theft – Scheveningseweg – The Hague

In the night of Tuesday 20 to Wednesday 21 February, a motorcycle was stolen from an underground parking garage of an apartment complex on Scheveningseweg in The Hague. That night, three unknown men enter the parking garage in a special way. The men manage to lift the shutter a little and then climb inside. The locks on the motorcycle are cut and the motorcycle is lifted out of the garage. The motorcycle is blue in color from the Yamaha R3 brand, the license plate is 32-MN-KZ. The broadcast shows camera images of the three men.

Explosion law firm – Buitenom – The Hague

An explosion went off at a law firm on Buitenom in The Hague around 3:35 am on the night of Thursday 5 to Friday 6 October. The building suffered damage to the door and facade. There are good images of the boy who sets off the explosive. Because it is suspected that this boy is underage, the images are still being blurred. This boy has two weeks to report to the police. If he does not do this, his images will be shown recognizably on Tuesday, April 23.

House robbery – Hanenburglaan – The Hague

On Friday, August 18 around 3:30 p.m., an 87-year-old lady was robbed in her home on Hanenburglaan. Around that time, this resident’s doorbell rings. When the resident opened the door, it was immediately pushed open by an unknown woman. An unknown man immediately quickly entered the house. The intruder immediately walked into the resident’s home. The resident asked the intruders to leave her home. At that moment, the intruder dropped a bag of apples and started picking them up. The resident was therefore unable to proceed further into her home; whenever she tried to do so, she was always pushed back. Then the resident also sees two young children (12 to 15 years old) in her home. Suddenly the intruders leave again and walk back in the direction of Valkenboskade. After the robbery, the victim noticed that precious jewelry was missing from her bedroom. The broadcast shows camera images of the unknown woman and man.

Street robbery – Hildebrandstraat – The Hague

On Thursday, March 7, around 10 p.m., a woman was robbed of her handbag on Hildebrandstraat in The Hague. Shortly before, the victim visited a supermarket on Gouveneurplein in The Hague. Around 9:45 p.m. she leaves the store and walks through Hildebrandstraat. Gradually the victim gets the feeling that she is being followed by two boys. Shortly afterwards, her shoulder bag is torn from her shoulders near the intersection with Ferrandweg. The two robbers then run away in the direction of the Laakkade. Her shoulder bag contained a mobile phone and other personal items. The victim was very shocked after the incident. She also still has problems with her shoulder, because she tried to prevent her bag from being taken away. The two boys look good on screen. Because it is suspected that they are minors, they are now only shown blurred on social media and Politie.nl. If the boys do not report, their images will be shown clearly on Team West next week.

Broadcast Team West

Team West is broadcast every Tuesday from 5 p.m. on TV West and repeated every hour. On Wednesday, Team West will be repeated several more times.

Information source: Politie.nl

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