Ex-professional football player must pay 40,000 euros for cannabis cultivation

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Ex-professional football player must pay 40,000 euros for cannabis cultivation

The court in Arnhem on Monday sentenced ex-professional footballer Jhon van Beukering (39) from Velp to 60 hours of conditional community service and to repay 40,000 euros to the State for his involvement in a cannabis farm in Klarenbeek. A 44-year-old co-suspect from Velp receives 40 hours of conditional community service.

498 cannabis plants

In May 2017, the police found a cannabis nursery with 498 plants in a home in Klarenbeek. Jhon van Beukering (former player at De Graafschap, NEC and Vitesse) denied having anything to do with the cannabis farm. By his own admission, he knew nothing. He did visit the house several times a week. He also had keys to the house.

The court finds his explanation implausible. An odor of cannabis could already be smelled outside the house and the building was visibly uninhabited. The court rules that it cannot be anything other than that he had a role in growing cannabis in that home.


The role of a 44-year-old co-suspect from Velp was smaller, but according to the court was also indispensable. He rented the building where the nursery was found and made it available to someone else. In doing so, he tolerated the establishment of a cannabis nursery. For this reason, the court convicts him of being an accomplice to cannabis cultivation.

Financial gain

Both men receive four days in prison, but do not have to return to cell because they have already served their sentences in pre-trial detention. According to the court, the two men only had their own financial gain in mind. They were acquitted of power theft due to lack of evidence.

Confiscation case

The court also imposes conditional community service sentences of 60 and 40 hours respectively. Jhon van Beukering must also repay more than 40,000 euros to the State. This is the amount he would have earned from the cannabis farm. The other man’s confiscation case did not proceed because his summons was incorrect.

The court acquits a 39-year-old man from Heteren of involvement in the cannabis farm. According to the court, there was no evidence to convict.

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