Evening shop robbed twice, police are looking for witnesses

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Evening shop robbed twice, police are looking for witnesses

The Hague – On Monday evening, February 12, a night shop on Steenwijklaan was robbed. The store was also robbed on Friday, February 9. It may be the same suspects who committed both robberies. The police are investigating the incidents and would like to contact witnesses.

Robbery Friday

On Friday, February 9, around 7 p.m., two boys arrive on a dark-colored scooter at the evening shop on Steenwijklaan. They run inside. One boy carries a knife, the other a bag. The store employee was almost immediately sprayed with pepper spray. He also tries to scare the two suspects away by throwing products from the store. The suspects run out of the store again, get on a scooter and drive onto the Leyweg in the direction of the Erasmusweg.

Monday again

The same store was also robbed on Friday evening around 8:30 PM. Two boys in balaclavas walk into the store. The employee was able to chase the boys out of the store. The two perpetrators drove away on a scooter. No loot was taken on either Friday or Monday.

Witnesses wanted

Did you see or hear anything in the area of ​​Steenwijklaan in The Hague on Friday evening, February 9 or Monday evening, February 12? Or do you have other information that could be important in the investigation? Then the police would like to contact you via 0900-8844. Would you rather remain anonymous? Report Crime Anonymously 0800-7000.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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