Elon Musk does like AI: he starts with TruthGPT

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Elon Musk does like AI: he starts with TruthGPT

A few weeks ago, Twitter boss Elon Musk managed to sign an urgent letter calling for the pause of artificial intelligence initiatives for six months. However, he does not seem to be very supportive of this: he has now created an AI tool called TruthGPT. Obviously a very direct answer to ChatGPT, the AI ​​tool that is so popular right now.


Elon realizes that he is not exactly the first with this plan: he wants TruthGPT to be a third option next to the AI ​​of ChatGPT/OpenAI/Microsoft and Google’s Bard. At the same time, we still have to see how and what: Elon says he is ‘going to start’ something, so to what extent it is already finished, that is unknown. It’s not called TruthGPT with the aim of being a nod to Trump’s social medium Truth, but it mainly wants AI not to lie. The SpaceX leader says OpenAI is training the artificial intelligence to lie. TruthGPT is said to be “seeking truth” and “understanding the nature of the universe.” Musk founded an AI company in Nevada called X.AI Corporation.

It is sometimes said that Elon Musk is against artificial intelligence, but that is not so bad. He was even one of the founders of OpenAI: he co-founded the company in 2015. He did leave the board of directors in 2018, but that was mainly due to his work at Tesla, which caused a problem of interest (because Tesla also does a lot with artificial intelligence in its cars, which is another reason not to think that Musk is anti-AI).

AI is manipulative

But he’s not just a pro either. He does have concerns about this rapidly developing technology. He has said several times that it has the potential to destroy all civilization. He would like to see strict supervision by governments and a lot of regulation, as is currently the case with alcohol and medication, for example. He thinks AI is way too good at manipulating because it can write so convincingly. But, TruthGPT won’t be soon. It sounds like he wants to use it to serve as a sort of example for other AIs.

Whether he still has plans for Twitter and artificial intelligence remains to be seen, as TruthGPT still needs to be developed first anyway.

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