Drugs found during inspection of storage boxes on the Eastern Islands

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Drugs found during inspection of storage boxes on the Eastern Islands

Last week, the police found drugs and raw materials for drug production during a check in five storage boxes on the Eastern Islands in Amsterdam. During the action, a 20-year-old Amsterdam resident was arrested on suspicion of possession of hard drugs.

Ecstasy pills

During the investigation, dozens of storage boxes were visited at various locations with the help of sniffer dogs. Five boxes were opened for further inspection. There the police found materials for setting up a cannabis plantation. Ecstasy pills, hashish, weed, amphetamine and cocaine residues were also found. In addition, ATMs, seal bags, pressing devices, scales and adulterants were found. All goods have been seized.

Sent away

During the action, a 20-year-old Amsterdam resident was arrested on suspicion of possession of hard drugs. After questioning, he was sent away with a summons. The police have not ruled out more arrests.

According to the police, these types of storage areas under flats, garages and other storage boxes are ‘regularly used for subversive crime and can lead to unsafe situations’.

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