Drugs and gun found in car

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Drugs and gun found in car

Lage Zwaluwe – A large amount of drugs and a weapon were found in the car of a 25-year-old suspect from Lage Zwaluwe. The suspect will already be in custody.

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, four men were arrested in a drugs investigation. An earlier message already mentioned that it concerns a 27-year-old man from Oosterhout, a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old man from Lage Zwaluwe and a 24-year-old resident of Breda. At various locations in Lage Zwaluwe, Baarle-Nassau, Oosterhout and Den Bosch, agents found drugs, 20 kilograms of raw materials for synthetic drugs and supplies to make drugs, money, fireworks, an electroshock weapon, thousands of euros worth of Pokémon cards and possible cryptocurrency.


A search was already underway for the suspect’s car from Lage Zwaluwe, but it was not found. Information recently came in as to where the car would be located. That turned out to be true. A search of the car yielded 36,000 Ecstasy pills, 1 kilo of ketamine, 100 grams of MDMA (the active and therefore dangerous substance in an Ecstasy pill) and a loaded revolver. All these items have of course been seized and will be included in the investigation.

Reporting helps!

Do you see something suspicious in your area? A car that doesn’t belong there and has been parked for a while. Strange things around a home or business premises and do you have a gut feeling about it? A strange sweet, chemical or anise-like smell in your living environment. Then report it!

Which can
– via the banners below this message
– via the police app or the reporting form at Politie.nl/aangifte-of-melding-doen
– via 0900-8844 or WhatsApp (0612207006)
– anonymously via 0800-7000 or the reporting form from M
– anonymously via 0900-8844, do not say your name and immediately ask for TCI (Criminal Intelligence Team)

Information source: Politie.nl

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