Drug lab in Bleiswijk dismantled; one arrest

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Drug lab in Bleiswijk dismantled;  one arrest

Bleiswijk – A drug lab in a garage on Overbuurtseweg was dismantled on Saturday morning. A 50-year-old man from Vlaardingen has been arrested.

Photo: Police stock photo

Based on information, the police suspected that there was a drug lab at a house on Overbuurtseweg in Bleiswijk. Early on Saturday morning, the police raided the house and found no drug lab there. A drug lab was found in a garage behind the house. A 50-year-old man from Vlaardingen was working in the drug lab and was immediately arrested. Police officers from the National Dismantling Facility (LFO) were present to safely stop the chemical process and confiscate the items. Research must reveal exactly which drugs and associated items are involved.

The investigation into this drug lab continues. If you have information that could help in this investigation, we would like to hear from you via one of the options below.

Prevent danger, report suspicions
Your help is essential to combat drug crime and prevent dangerous situations in your area. Do you suspect a drug lab or drug storage location in your area? Report this to us via 0900 – 8844 or via Report Crime Anonymous via 0900 – 7000.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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