Drug dealers arrested in police action

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Drug dealers arrested in police action

Helmond – During an operation aimed at drug dealing in Helmond, the Peelland police team’s detectives arrested two men on Thursday. In the home of one of them we found a large amount of hard drugs and cash. The pair are being held for further investigation.

After the detectives received information about suspected deal activities from a house on Jan van der Spekstraat, they started an investigation. There were regular reports and complaints of nuisance in the vicinity of the house due to the sometimes large number of people at the address. The investigation showed that the resident, a 33-year-old man, probably worked with another man, a 58-year-old local, when dealing drugs. The investigation further showed that drugs were probably stored in the house on Jan van der Spekstraat.

Drugs and money
On the day of action, detectives saw several times that the oldest suspect sold drugs to some customers at several locations in Helmond. He was subsequently arrested. He had drugs with him when he was arrested. Detectives then entered the home of the other suspect. The resident tried to run away, but before he managed to climb over the fence at the back, he was caught. About 170 grams of coke emerged from his shoulder bag. Detectives then found more than 750 grams of hard drugs in the shed near the house. This mainly concerned cocaine, but also a smaller amount of heroin. In addition to the drugs, we also found more than € 15,000 in cash in the house. The street value of the seized drugs is estimated at approximately €45,000.

Both the drugs and money were seized. Both suspects were taken to the police station and taken into custody for further questioning.

Information source: Politie.nl

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