Drug boss sentenced to 16 years gets an extra 14 years for Sabee’s liquidation

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Drug boss sentenced to 16 years gets an extra 14 years for Sabee’s liquidation

Drug boss Marcel D. from Nieuwegein, who was sentenced to 16 years in prison in March 2021, has been sentenced on appeal to 14 years in prison for his role in the liquidation of Wout Sabee in 2016 and a previously failed murder attempt on Sabee in 2014. This writes RTV Utrecht.

Pgp phones

The court previously ruled that there was insufficient evidence that Marcel D. was the one who ordered the murder of Sabee at his home in De Meern, but the court in Arnhem concludes that D. did give the order. The evidence against D. comes from decrypted chat messages sent via encrypted PGP telephones. After Sabee survived a previous liquidation attempt in 2014, he made statements to the police. In those conversations he mentioned Marcel D. as a likely client.

Sabee arranged drug transports for D.’s criminal organization from 2013 onwards and is said to have been held responsible for the disappearance of part of an intercepted transport.

Drug transports

Marcel D. was sentenced to 16 years in prison by the court in Utrecht in March 2021 for leading a criminal organization that, together with others, was responsible for several drug transports from the Netherlands to Great Britain. In the period between 2014 and 2016, the suspects exported at least 2,500 kilos of cocaine and heroin. D. is seen by the judiciary as a contact of Ridouan Taghi.

Split off

Because D. was previously sentenced to 16 years in prison for drug trafficking, the Advocate General (the public prosecutor in an appeal) split the cases during the appeal. 16 years were now demanded for the drug cases and 14 years in prison for the liquidation suspicions. The court agrees. D. must now serve a total of 30 years in prison.

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