Driver hits front of house

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Driver hits front of house

Tiburg – A 28-year-old driver drove into a facade of a house on Bredaseweg on Sunday morning, April 16, 2023. The Tilburger has been arrested.

The accident happened around 5:05 am. The driver drove from the Schouwburgring onto the Bredaseweg. The driver is believed to lose control of the wheel and collide with a curb. The car then came to a stop against the front of the house. No one was injured. The car is a total loss. The facade of the house was damaged. Firefighters have checked the house and indicate that there is no immediate danger of collapse.

Under the influence

The two occupants of the car fled on foot after the accident. Officers found them on the Korvelseweg. The driver has been arrested. A saliva test was taken from him and it turned out to be positive for the use of hard drugs. The suspect was also under the influence of alcohol. The co-driver gave a witness statement at the police station. The police are continuing to investigate the cause of the accident.

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