Disney+ will soon also ban sharing accounts

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Disney+ will soon also ban sharing accounts

Unfortunately, Netflix has set a trend in the world of streaming that we are not really looking forward to: the battle against account sharing is one that Netflix has won from its viewers and with which it inspires other streaming services. Now Disney+ wants to stop allowing password sharing this year.

Share accounts on Disney+

It’s still early news, so we don’t know the exact ins and outs. It is clear that Disney wants to charge you extra if you want to give people outside your own household access to your account. You can then add people to your account for a little extra money, even if they don’t live at the same address. This is also possible with Netflix, although many people have chosen to create a completely new account with that streaming service due to the new policy.

If you use someone else’s account, you will receive a message later this year that you must create your own account or pay to be added as an extra person to that other person’s account. Fun is different, but at the same time it is necessary. As crazy as it sounds with Disney being a big, rich company, Disney+ is not yet profitable and this would be the final push to make that happen.

Inspired by Netflix

It is unknown how much it costs to continue using someone else’s account: at Netflix it costs 3.99 euros. We expect Disney to settle around that price point. We also expect that Disney will check it by checking IP addresses, something that Netflix also uses. This is why even as an account owner you sometimes receive a message from Netflix that you are sharing accounts, for example when you are on holiday for three weeks. Two weeks without using your device at your IP address triggers this.

Fortunately, you still have a while to enjoy someone else’s experience on Disney+: the new policy will be implemented in the first countries from June and it will be the Netherlands’ turn in September, together with the rest of the world. You can still watch Wish, the big Disney animated film that has been on the streaming service since this week. Or Star Wars on May 5, more about that later today here on DutchCowboys.

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