Dietitian in the news: Pieter Brughmans

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Dietitian in the news: Pieter Brughmans

Dietitian Pieter Brughmans has a practice in Leuven in Belgium and followed our media training in the past. Since then, he has been regularly interviewed as an expert by the Belgian news site Het Laatste Nieuws ( In his latest interview he responds to a scientific study that shows that a hot lunch is better than a cold lunch.

Cold saturates less?

The American study compared 120 participants’ satiety after eating cold and hot lunch varieties. The result: during a cold lunch, participants already had the feeling that they would not have enough, so they opted for a sweet ending such as a muffin. According to the researchers, this could be due to the fact that cold food is less filling than a hot meal. But Pieter qualifies: ‘Scientifically speaking, the researchers have skipped a number of steps. There is not yet enough evidence to recommend choosing a hot over a cold lunch in our health policy.’

More vegetables in hot food

According to him, more factors play a role, such as the amount of vegetables. He explains: ‘We Belgians, for example, eat a lot of vegetables with a hot meal. A cold lunch is usually sandwiches with cheese, chocolate, or chicken curry. A meal with relatively few vegetables.’ In that respect, hot lunches are often healthier than cold ones, but that is not due to the temperature. In the article, Pieter gives tips for better satiety, such as eating more slowly. Pieter calls soup ‘the golden tip’. ‘We still eat far too few vegetables and soup is ideal. It contains a lot of moisture and everyone likes it. That will also contribute to a more satiated feeling.’

Read Pieter’s entire article here.

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