Developments in investigation into the death of a stabbed woman

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Developments in investigation into the death of a stabbed woman

Eindhoven – In the night of Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 February, a woman was stabbed on the corner of Kruisstraat and Pastoor Petersstraat. She was transported to a hospital with multiple stab wounds, where she died a short time later. In the search for the perpetrator, an extensive criminal investigation was started by a large-scale investigation team (TGO). During the course of Sunday we arrested two men from Eindhoven, who had reported to the police independently of each other.

The victim is a 36-year-old Turkish/Bulgarian woman who probably lived in Eindhoven. The woman was found seriously injured around three o’clock that night by passers-by who alerted the emergency services. Citizens, police officers and ambulance workers did everything they could to save her life, but unfortunately to no avail. We immediately started a major criminal investigation and have already spoken to several witnesses. The investigation team established that the victim walked on foot from Stratumseind ​​to Pastoor Petersstraat together with a man, one of the suspects later arrested. There they found the second man, whom we now suspect of having inflicted the fatal stabs. The reason for this is being investigated. The other suspect was released during the evening after questioning. He is no longer suspected of killing the victim.

The investigation team made every effort to obtain clarity as quickly as possible. We have been working non-stop to solve the case from the very beginning. We carried out trace investigations at the crime scene, used sniffer dogs, made aerial recordings with a drone and investigated the neighborhood. Naturally, we looked for as much surveillance footage as possible and viewed the images that became available. One of the suspects turned himself in to the Belgian police. He was arrested there upon request and a request will be made for the suspect’s surrender. The other suspect reported to an Eindhoven police station. We investigated the home of one of the men in Kruisstraat.

Despite the arrests, we are still interested in people who have seen something or have information about the case. Please contact the investigation team in Eindhoven immediately. Call 000-8844 or share your tips via the Investigation Tip Line, 0800-6070. You can share information guaranteed anonymously with Meld Misdaad Anoniem, 0800-7000.

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