Deadly explosion in Rijnmond Bureau

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Deadly explosion in Rijnmond Bureau

Rotterdam – This week, Bureau Rijnmond, the regional investigation program of the Public Prosecution Service and the Rotterdam Police Unit, reported several new cases, including the explosion at the Schammenkamp in Rotterdam, which resulted in three deaths.

In Bureau Rijnmond on February 1, police and justice drew attention to the case of a 75-year-old woman from Rotterdam who became a victim of bank employee fraud on November 20 and gave up her debit card. Images of a young man using this captured debit card were shown. Because this perpetrator was possibly a minor, we made him unrecognizable and gave him the opportunity to report himself. He didn’t. Now we show the pinner recognizable.

On November 30, three shoplifters struck a store in Gorinchem. The loot: hundreds of euros worth of toiletries. The perpetrators are on screen. Who are they?

Home burglars are well visible
Two burglars visited a house on Frits Ruysstraat in Rotterdam on December 21. They made off with a safe, but also left something behind: their faces are on camera images.

Bank employee fraud
A 78-year-old woman from Rotterdam was robbed of her debit card on November 23 after receiving emails and calls. The so-called bank employee managed to convince the stunned victim to hand over her debit card and PIN code. The person who plunders her account with her debit card is on screen.

Explosion Schammenkamp
On January 29, a huge explosion took place in a building on Schammenkamp in Rotterdam, resulting in a major fire. Three people were killed in this incident. The police have made an arrest, but still have many questions about the cause and circumstances of the explosion.

Every Thursday afternoon: Bureau Rijnmond
Watch Bureau Rijnmond on RTV Rijnmond on Thursday afternoon around 5:20 PM (repeat half an hour until 5:00 PM the next day).
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