Damage after money exchange office bombing

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Damage after money exchange office bombing

Delft – A money exchange office on Stationsplein in Delft was the target of an armed robbery on Wednesday, April 17, Delft. The building was severely damaged. Nothing was taken.

Around 4.40 am, the police received several reports of a loud bang in the vicinity of the Delft train station. On site, officers found considerable damage at the money exchange office.

The police immediately started an investigation and are looking for two suspects. After the explosion, they fled on a scooter in the direction of the railway tunnel. It is still unknown what exactly caused the explosion.


The driver of the scooter was wearing dark clothing and dark gloves. The second suspect was also dressed darkly. He was wearing a rain suit with reflective stripes and a gray hood. He also wore dark gloves. Both people had a dark sports bag with them.

Witnesses wanted

The police are investigating this case and would like to get in touch with witnesses. Have you seen or heard anything related to this explosion? Or do you have other information that could be important for the investigation? Please contact us at 0900-8844. Would you rather remain anonymous? Then call M. on 0800-7000.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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