Consignments of coke weighing 392 and 81 kilos caught in the port of Rotterdam

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Consignments of coke weighing 392 and 81 kilos caught in the port of Rotterdam

Customs found 1,289 packages containing a total of 392 kilos of cocaine in the port of Rotterdam during a regular inspection on Wednesday night. According to the judiciary, the drugs have a street value of more than 29 million euros.


The drugs were hidden in a container with boxes of bananas. The container came from the Dominican Republic and was destined for a company in South Holland. According to the Public Prosecution Service, this company appears to have nothing to do with the smuggling.

81 kilos

In addition to the finds among the bananas, Customs and the Seaport Police also intercepted 81 kilos of cocaine on Saturday, October 7. A 21-year-old man from Krimpen aan den IJssel and a 23-year-old man from Rotterdam were arrested in the Waalhaven. They were brought before the examining magistrate on Friday. It has decided that their pre-trial detention will be extended by two weeks.


The drugs were hidden in a container with citrus fruits and came from Peru. The container was intended for a company in South Holland, but according to the Public Prosecution Service, this company appears to have nothing to do with the smuggling.

The HARC team, a partnership between Customs, FIOD, Seaport Police and the Public Prosecution Service in Rotterdam, is further investigating the case. The drugs have now been destroyed.

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