Coldcase team hopes to get an answer to the question ‘who killed Tonny ter Horst’ after 23 years?

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Coldcase team hopes to get an answer to the question ‘who killed Tonny ter Horst’ after 23 years?

Terborg – The cold case team of the East Netherlands police calls on citizens for help to answer the question after 23 years: who killed Tonny ter Horst? The cold case team uses, among other things, the Mobile Media Lab and Investigation Requested to draw attention to the case.

On October 9, 2000, the then 34-year-old Tonny was visiting his brother and sister who lived in a duplex house on the Industrieweg in Terborg. After a pleasant evening, Tonny decided to visit the neighbor who ran a coffee shop in his home.

And then things went wrong. Because exactly when Tonny was walking to the coffee shop, around 10 p.m., the coffee shop owner was robbed by two men. The robbery failed and the robbers fled. During their flight they met Tonny. They shot him. Tonny died on the spot.

There must be people who know more

Despite extensive investigation, the case was never solved. In 2014, the case officially became a cold case and in 2020 the case was placed on the cold case calendar. With success, because new information came in. This prompted the cold case team to reopen the case.

‘We have reason to believe that there are people who know more about this case, what exactly happened and, above all, who was involved. We naturally want to speak to those people, because they can contribute to solving this case. We are now looking for publicity because we hope that we will reach those people and persuade them to share information with us,” said the leader of the cold case team.

‘Of course we want to solve the case, we want to give Tonny’s family answers. Tonny died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We know from research that perpetrators talk about their actions. There is a good chance that this has also happened here and that there are people who have been carrying around a secret for years. It’s never too late to talk.’

Regional attention

To answer the question: who killed Tonny ter Horst? the research team hopes for help from citizens. Based on the investigation so far, the investigation team believes that the perpetrators came from the region at the time. That is why the Mobiel Media Lab in Terborg and Doetinchem will be on Tuesday, March 19, to once again draw attention to Tonny’s death. In addition to the Mobile Media Lab, Opsporing Verzocht also pays attention to Tonny’s case. What is unique is that the broadcast is broadcast live in Terborg, about 300 meters from the place where Tonny died. The recordings are not accessible to the public.

Mobile Media Lab

The Mobile Media Lab will be on the Marktplein in Terborg on Tuesday, March 19 at 9 a.m. To also draw attention to the surrounding areas, the Mobile Media Lab will be located on Simonsplein in Doetinchem in the afternoon. Interested media can speak to a police spokesperson at both locations. You can register for a quote request by contacting the East Netherlands media desk on 088 965 90 90 or via

Investigation Requested

Opsporing Verzocht can be seen on NPO2 on Tuesday, March 19 from 8:26 PM. The next day the broadcast will be repeated at 1:20 PM on NPO2.

More information

Would you like to know more about this case? Then read the file at

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