Burglar arrested outside the act after home burglary in Driehuis

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Burglar arrested outside the act after home burglary in Driehuis

Driehuis – The police arrested a 43-year-old man from the municipality of Zaanstad after a home burglary on Nicolaas Beetslaan in Driehuis on Sunday, January 21.

On Saturday morning, January 20, the police received a report from an observant resident that a suspicious person was in his garden on Nicolaas Beetslaan earlier that night. Later that afternoon it became clear that the neighbors had been burglarized. Based on this, it was decided to carry out additional surveillance in Driehuis and the surrounding area the following night.

Around 1 a.m., an inconspicuous colleague recognized the suspect at a house on Hagelingerweg in Santpoort-Noord. After permission from the public prosecutor, the 43-year-old man was arrested outside the act for the aforementioned home burglary in Driehuis.

Further investigation at the house on Hagelingerweg showed that an attempted burglary had just taken place there. Various burglary tools were found at the home in question and in the suspect’s vehicle.

The suspect is still in custody and his role is being further investigated.

Call 911 if you see someone breaking into something

Residents know best when something is not right in their neighborhood. A stranger peeking into houses, for example. Or activities at a house where you know the residents are on holiday. If you call 112, the police may be able to prevent a burglary or arrest a burglar in the act! Calling 112 is intended for emergencies. So not only for life-threatening situations, but certainly also when you witness a crime or are preparing for a burglary or theft.

This way you make it difficult for burglars

Burglars take advantage of the opportunity presented to them. You make it extra difficult for them by:

  • Approved hinges and locks on windows, (garage) doors and any skylights.
  • A special lock on a burglar-sensitive sliding door.
  • Sufficient outdoor lighting.
  • Timer switches on all floors of your house. Have your interior lights turn on and off at different times.

Read more information about home burglaries here.

Information source: Politie.nl

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