Breakthrough in Tonny ter Horst cold case: suspected shooter arrested

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Breakthrough in Tonny ter Horst cold case: suspected shooter arrested

Doetinchem – The investigation team investigating the death of Tonny ter Horst arrested a man on Tuesday morning, April 9. It concerns a 50-year-old man from Doetinchem, who is suspected of having shot Tonny dead on October 9, 2000. Tonny was shot dead in Terborg when he bumped into two men who were fleeing after a failed robbery.

The arrested suspect is under restrictions and is therefore only allowed to have contact with his lawyer. For that reason we do not share any further information. The investigation into the second man involved in Tonny’s death continues.

Case reopened
On Monday, March 18, the investigation team announced that the case was reopened after new information arrived. Based on the new information, the investigation team had indications that more people needed to know something about who was involved in Tonny’s death. By bringing the matter back to attention, the research team hoped that people would still start talking after 23 years.

To draw attention to the matter, the Mobile Media Lab (MML) was deployed in Terborg – Tonny’s hometown – and Doetinchem on March 19. Opsporing Verzocht also made an extensive item about the cold case. The program made a live broadcast from Terborg especially for this case.

Tipsters, thank you!
In the days that followed, more than 20 tips were received, in which people contributed their thoughts, but also provided names. The research team would like to thank everyone who provided information. In order not to harm the ongoing investigation, we cannot share any further information and will not comment on the content of the tips.

Here you can read everything about the investigation into the death of Tonny ter Horst.

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