Boy (17) victim of attempted street robbery

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Boy (17) victim of attempted street robbery

Etten-Leur – A 17-year-old boy from Etten-Leur was threatened by two boys on a scooter on Friday evening, January 12, around midnight in the Lage Neerstraat. They threatened him with a knife and shouted at him to empty his pockets. The two perpetrators fled without any loot. The victim was not injured.

The victim was cycling through the aforementioned street around 11:45 p.m. In front of him rode a blue-colored scooter with two boys on it. It was striking that the blue license plate was folded up, making it unreadable. The vehicle was moving noticeably slowly, so the boy overtook them. Suddenly the vehicle accelerated and the cyclist was crushed. The two boys, who were wearing balaclavas, threatened him with a knife and shouted at him to empty his pockets. Because the victim had no valuables with him, they drove away angry and without any loot. One of the perpetrators was a bit taller, had blue eyes and blond hair. The other was a lot smaller and had a stocky build.

Do you know more?

The police are investigating the case and are calling on witnesses to report via 0900 – 8844. You can also report reports anonymously via Report Crime Anonymous (0800 – 7000) or via the Police WhatsApp number 06 – 1220 7006.

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