Box check on the Eastern Islands leads to seizure of drugs

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Box check on the Eastern Islands leads to seizure of drugs

Amsterdam – During the inspection of a large number of boxes on the Eastern Islands last week, various quantities of narcotics and raw materials for drug production were found. The checks were carried out by the police in close collaboration with various partners who work together to prevent undermining.

Based on collected information, dozens of storage boxes were visited at various locations with the help of sniffer dogs during the investigation. Five boxes have been opened for further inspection. Criminal offenses were discovered at those locations. For example, materials for setting up a hemp plantation, ecstasy pills, ATMs, seal bags, pressing equipment, scales, adulterants and quantities of hashish, hemp, amphetamine, as well as traces of cocaine were found. All goods have been seized and are being investigated.

The use of this type of storage under flats, garages and other storage units regularly plays a role in undermining crime and in serious cases this leads to dangerous situations. Not only for the user, but also for local residents. This includes fire hazard, nuisance due to use and damage to the health of local residents and the users or owners of neighboring properties. During the action, a 20-year-old Amsterdam resident was arrested on suspicion of possession of hard drugs. After questioning, he was sent away with a summons. The police have not ruled out more arrests.

Connecting local residents
The box checks – a partnership between various basic teams, (specialist) police departments and external partners such as the district, municipality and the Public Prosecution Service – serve a dual purpose. On the one hand, to jointly increase the view and insight into undermining activities, to analyze and tackle them, and on the other hand, to be visible in the neighborhood. The latter also provided useful information from local residents last week. About, among other things, people at night with big shoppers, flash visitors and the smell of cannabis in stairwells. Local residents often responded positively to the checks. By following up on these reports, the police want to increase the sense of safety of local residents.

Reporting pays off
We tackle organized crime together. Suspicions of criminal activity or suspicious situations? Always report it to the police via 0900-8844, online or through your local police officer. You can report anonymously to Report Crime Anonymous via 0800-7000. An experienced confidential counselor ensures that your anonymity is guaranteed. In this way, together we ensure a better and safer living, working and living environment.

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