Arrests for threats and assault in the home

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Arrests for threats and assault in the home

Leiderdorp – The police arrested three men aged 17, 18 and 19 years old from Almere on Sunday evening, March 10, on suspicion of threatening and assaulting a family in Leiderdorp.

On Sunday evening, the three suspects entered a house on Vossiuslaan in Leiderdorp around 8:30 PM, after which a commotion arose when the residents tried to get the three out of the house. Two of the three suspects turned out to be known to the residents. The suspects had a firearm and a knife and threatened the family members present. Some were also abused. One of the residents indicated that the police had been alerted, after which the suspects fled in a car. Because the identity of two suspects was known, the car and its occupants were also looked for on the highway.

Arrests on A10 (Diemen)
On the A10 near Diemen-Noord, the car was pulled over and a BGTV procedure (Approach Technique for Dangerous Suspects) was started to arrest the occupants. There was a baseball bat and a knife in the car. The car has been seized for further investigation. A brass knuckle was found on one of the suspects.

BTGV method
BTGV stands for Approach Technology for Dangerous Suspects. Due to the report that a firearm may have been seen, the officers decided to use this method. With this method, suspects receive compelling instructions from the police so that they can make the arrest. The instructions are, for example, ‘get out of the car’, ‘hands up, you have been stopped, ‘walk to the back’, ‘on your knees’.

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