Arrests for preparing serious violent crimes

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Arrests for preparing serious violent crimes

Rotterdam – In an investigation into the commissioning and execution of serious violent crimes, the police arrested four men last Monday and Tuesday. This concerns an 18-year-old man from The Hague, a 20-year-old man from Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, a 21-year-old man from Dordrecht and a 24-year-old man without a permanent place of residence in the Netherlands.

The investigation started after obtaining information from another ongoing investigation. Detectives from the Regional Investigation Service (DRR) from the Rotterdam unit therefore gained insight into the four men. They are all suspected of preparing a serious assault that should have taken place in November 2022 in Ede. The investigation team also suspects the 18-year-old man from The Hague and the 21-year-old man from Dordrecht of having been involved in the preparation of a liquidation that was to take place in Rotterdam in November 2022.

Three suspects were brought before the examining magistrate on Thursday, September 14, who determined that they would remain in custody for an additional 14 days. The 20-year-old man from Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht has been released but remains a suspect in this case.

Tackling gun violence has the highest priority for the police and is being tackled from all possible sides. From extensive investigations into incidents to investigations into arms trafficking. The arrests and the information they provide are important for ongoing investigations and also provide new insights into shooting incidents and explosions in general. In addition to ongoing, individual investigations, the phenomenon of ‘excessive violence’ is also constantly being investigated. Analysis of backgrounds, types of suspects and working methods provides input for the approach and investigation.

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