Arrests after violence against officers on Van Meekerenstraat in Rotterdam

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Arrests after violence against officers on Van Meekerenstraat in Rotterdam

Rotterdam – On Sunday, February 11, around half past twelve, two men, a 41-year-old Rotterdam resident and a 38-year-old man without a place of residence and/or domicile, assaulted an officer. The men interfered with a report about a conflict. When the officer asked for identification, one of the suspects did not cooperate. A struggle ensued between the suspect and the officer. The second person also got involved in this struggle. The officer was hit and kicked several times to the head and body and was seriously injured. After the threat of using an electroshock weapon, both suspects were arrested.

Violence against officers
The police find aggression and violence against its employees unacceptable. Police officers have a responsible role in society and must be able to do their work unhindered and with mutual respect. Aggression or violence, in any form, against employees will not be tolerated.

To give evidence
The police are investigating the case and are looking for witnesses despite the arrests. Have you seen anything about the incident on Van Meekerenstraat or any video footage? Let us know. You can do this via the tip form below.

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