Arrests after stabbing incident Mees Toxopeusstraat

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Arrests after stabbing incident Mees Toxopeusstraat

Dordrecht – In the night from Friday to Saturday around 3:50 am, a stabbing incident took place on Mees Toxopeusstraat. Two people were injured and both were arrested.

Photo: Police stock photo

When officers arrived at Mees Toxopeusstraat, they saw two men arguing outside on the street. One of the two came at the other with a knife. Since the man with the knife did not listen to the officers’ instructions to drop the knife, one of the officers used his electroshock weapon. First aid could then be provided to this man. He appeared to have stab wounds. He was taken to hospital for treatment of his injuries and was arrested. It concerns a 53-year-old man from Dordrecht.
The second man was also injured, but did not require hospital treatment for his injuries. This 19-year-old man from Dordrecht was also arrested.

While officers were dealing with this incident, another man intervened in the situation. He did not listen to the officers’ instructions and that is why this 21-year-old man from Rotterdam was arrested for disturbing public order.

The knife has been confiscated and various traces have been secured. The investigation into (the circumstances of) this incident is ongoing.

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