Arrest in investigation into series of explosions

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Arrest in investigation into series of explosions

Alkmaar – In the investigation into a series of explosions in Alkmaar, including in the Lekstraat, the police arrested an 18-year-old man from Utrecht on Monday, February 12. The police take into account that the man may act as an intermediary. Where he organizes materials and transport on behalf of people who actually place and detonate the explosives.

A Large-Scale Investigation Team was recently started to investigate the series of explosions in Alkmaar. The TGO is an organizational structure of the police and the Public Prosecution Service (OM) that is designed to manage more complex criminal investigations with a major social impact.

The 18-year-old Utrecht police came into the picture as a possible intermediary who accepts orders from a client to place explosive material at homes. The suspect appears to organize materials and transport for the people who actually place and detonate the explosives. Thanks to good cooperation between detective teams from the Central Netherlands and North Holland units, the suspect was located and arrested. The suspect’s involvement in several explosions in Utrecht is also being investigated.

The research team continues the investigation into the series of explosions in Alkmaar. The mayor of Alkmaar recently designated four different areas as safety risk areas with (extra) camera surveillance. The police can also conduct preventive searches. Read previous reporting here.

Reporting helps. Also anonymous
The police desperately need all residents to track down the perpetrators. After all, they know their street, their neighborhood and their residents best. Do you see a suspicious situation? Always call 112. Do you have information about (the background to) one of the explosions in Alkmaar? Then report it too! Call 0900-8844 or complete the tip form below. Please quote case number: 2024025862. If you find it scary or exciting to report, you can always do so anonymously or confidentially. Then use Report Crime Anonymous (0800-7000) or the National Intelligence Team (088-6617734). This is a department trained in shielding tipsters and informants. They obtain information in an unobtrusive manner and protect the informant at all times.

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