Arrest in case of dead man Balthasar Floriszstraat

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Arrest in case of dead man Balthasar Floriszstraat

Amsterdam – The police arrested a 27-year-old man on Saturday, March 30, who is suspected of involvement in a violent crime in a home on Balthasar Floriszstraat in Amsterdam South. A 52-year-old man was killed.

The case came to light on Monday, March 18, after a report that the victim could no longer be contacted. Officers then went to the man’s home and found him deceased inside. It turned out that he had been killed as a result of a crime. A TGO (Large-Scale Investigation Team) has been working continuously since then to track down those responsible. The investigation team came across a suspect who was arrested on Saturday afternoon in a building on Transformatorweg. The victim’s family has been informed of the arrest.

Sharing information
The police are conducting further investigation into the circumstances of the case. To gain a more complete picture of what exactly happened in the house in South, the investigation team is looking for witnesses. Have you seen or heard anything? Then share it with us via the tip form. Do you have information that can contribute to the investigation? Please contact the police on 0900-8844. If you prefer anonymously, call Report Crime Anonymous on 0800-7000.

The suspect has been detained and is under full restrictions. This means that he may only have contact with his lawyer. More arrests cannot be ruled out.

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