Arrest after action at Provinciehuis in Utrecht

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Arrest after action at Provinciehuis in Utrecht

Utrecht – Actions have recently been conducted in various places in our unit. In Veenendaal along the A12, in Meerkerk along the A27 and at Breukelen along the A2, blockades were placed or arson was set by the activists. Action was also taken at the Utrecht Provincial House.

Last Friday, February 2, a large group of demonstrators was present at the provincial government building on Archimedeslaan in Utrecht. The meeting passed peacefully. When the demonstrators left, several of them dumped a large amount of manure on the street in front of the entrance gate of the Provincial House. Construction waste was also dumped there. The police started an investigation.

On Monday, February 12, a 23-year-old man from Renswoude was arrested red-handed on suspicion of violating the Environmental Management Act. Multiple arrests cannot be ruled out.

No understanding
Deputy police chief Michel de Roos has no understanding for this form of action: “Demonstrating is a great right. We as the police are committed to this. The vast majority of the meeting at the Provincial Hall went well. The actions of some of the demonstrators present have nothing to do with demonstrating. These are criminal offences. Those involved have consciously chosen to dump manure on the street. This should not remain without consequences for those responsible and we are therefore taking action against it. We do this during actions, but also – as is now the case – by intensifying investigation afterwards.”

Witness call
Do you have information that can give us more clarity about the criminal offenses committed or about which other people were involved? Share this information with the police. You can do this via 0900-8844 or via the tip form below.

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