Amsterdam Court of Appeal adjourns judgment in Endstra case for the sixth time

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Amsterdam Court of Appeal adjourns judgment in Endstra case for the sixth time

On Tuesday, the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam adjourned the judgment in the case of a creditor of the Endstra heirs for the sixth time. The Hague real estate dealer Harry Pen believes he has millions in credit from the estate of real estate colleague Wim Endstra, who was shot dead in front of his office on Apollolaan in Amsterdam in 2004. The liquidator of the estate, lawyer Toni van Hees, of the Stibbe firm, disagrees. The court must, among other things, give an opinion on the authenticity of a fax from the late Endstra to Pen.

By @Wim van de Pol

Van Hees thinks that the signature under the fax is forged. On August 5, 2020, the court rejected Harry Pen’s claims. The case has been dragging on in court ever since. In the civil suit, Pen must prove that he is right and, above all, that the fax is genuine.

Pen has therefore had an expert report drawn up.

More likely

In her report, researcher Sonja Veldthuis concludes that it is more likely that the document is authentic and signed by Willem Endstra than that it is a fabricated forgery.

The Court of Appeal has been unable to reach a final conclusion on the claim for more than a year.

The fax contains a series of real estate transactions involving millions of euros.

Banker of the underworld

Willem Endstra had hundreds of millions in real estate assets under him in 2002 when one day an interview by the criminal John Mieremet with De Telegraaf ended his career in the upper world. From Wednesday, August 28, 2002, Endstra was known as a banker of the underworld and he was tipsy game.

The banks withdrew their ample credit facilities. Criminals started extorting him to get their money back, and business partners wanted to untangle their ties with Endstra, and also see money.


The police investigation into the murder of Endstra shows that Pen and Endstra did indeed do business in real estate. However, the Endstra heirs do not acknowledge the offending guilt.

The companies of Willem and the family, led by Endstra’s brother Haico, concluded a transaction with the government years ago in which 47 million euros were settled. In February, Crimesite revealed that Haico Endstra paid several million euros to Mike J. not long ago. J. states that he was still owed that by the late Endstra.

See more about Pen’s claim and the fax:

Court of Appeal can’t decide: fax from Endstra fake or not?

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