​Amazon now lets AI create product pages for sellers

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​Amazon now lets AI create product pages for sellers

Amazon doesn’t have great experiences with AI, or with product pages, but it’s going to unite the two nonetheless. Sellers will soon be able to have their product pages created by artificial intelligence.

AI to create Amazon pages

Now Amazon has announced that it is making more AI tools available to sellers, allowing them to leave product page creation to the computer. The advantage is that this time-consuming job now becomes a bit easier. Of course, sellers must check the pages carefully before putting anything online, but not having to fill in everything themselves will save them a lot of time. All they have to do is place a link to the product page of their own website and Amazon’s AI does its work.

It is not just about the text, but the entire design, so even the photos are included. Amazon hopes this will ensure that sellers put more products on Amazon and achieve more sales. Amazon leave know: “We started by allowing sellers to give us just a few words that described their product, and we used generative AI to create compelling product titles, descriptions, and other product details. We followed this with the ability for sellers to simply upload an image of their product and use generative AI to automatically generate their product title, description, and even more product attributes. These features can also suggest attributes such as color and keywords to effectively index the product in customer search experiences.” Now it goes a lot further.

For small or large companies?

100,000 sellers are said to have already used those AI tools, which makes Amazon think it can do more with generative AI. However, it is initially only available to sellers in the United States. That in itself is not surprising: AI often works best in English, because it is a very widely spoken language and AI companies are often based in the US. But it does mean that the pages on Amazon in Dutch will continue to look strange for a while. Amazon mainly wants to help smaller companies with the new feature, it writes, which is striking: large companies seem to benefit much more from this, because they often have a greater variety of products and therefore have to create more pages. So the question is what happens if large companies use it: won’t those smaller companies just get snowed under? It remains to be seen how companies respond to the news, but it can be useful and save a lot of time, that’s for sure.

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